Named and Shamed

Named and Shamed


Squalid roads, buildings and locations in Croydon named and shamed.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Back To The Future

I have come across a video available from the University of Kent at Canterbury.

It has been commissioned by Croydon Council, and concerns the conference and exhibition sponsored by the Council and the Architectural Foundation about Croydon's future; the film shows the links between architectural design, and Croydon's economic prosperity.

The film covers the progress of the conference, shows the exhibition and contains interviews with the key figures attending and speaking at the conference.

The Leader of Croydon Council, during one of the interviews, notes that Croydon is "dull, dreary and dated".

The CEO of Croydon makes the logical link between good design, and a thriving economy.

All of those interviewed emphasised the need to change Croydon's image, with the city centre particularly in mind; and that future developments must be made as a result of the partnership of residents, businesses and the Council.

Now, here's the problem; the exhibition and conference, that the film relates to, took place in 1993.

What has happened since then?

If you are looking at this site, then you can see; precious little, except for ongoing neglect and decay.

Not one of the decaying, neglected and squalid buildings/areas highlighted on this site since February has been renovated. I would note, that many of the decaying areas highlighted here were in quite good condition in 1993. In other words, things have become much worse since 1993.

There is one irony, the Council are about to stage another exhibition about the future of Croydon; called "Future of Croydon". You will have noticed advertisements for the exhibition, which kicks off on the 13th of September, springing up all over the place.

I have looked in vain on the net for a website about this exhibition, seemingly none exists; are the organisers embarrassed about their plans, or know in their heart of hearts that these plans will go the way of those first mooted in 1993?

Should anyone know of the whereabouts of a site that covers the exhibition, please drop me a line.

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