Named and Shamed

Named and Shamed


Squalid roads, buildings and locations in Croydon named and shamed.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Gateway to Hell

It seems that Croydon Council have succeeded in persuading the Secretary of State to dismiss Stanhope's application to develop the Dingwall Road site, known as the Gateway project.

This means, according to the Council, that the way is clear for their preferred developer Arrowcroft to develop the site; and build a 12500 seat indoor arena.

In my view there are a number of problems with this:
  • Much of the site around the Dingwall Road area is owned by Stanhope. This will be difficult to acquire from them without a fight, and will inevitably delay any development.

  • Why does Croydon need a 12500 seat arena?

  • Can Croydon afford a 12500 seat arena?

  • Croydon Council talk of compulsory purchases of land around the site, can Croydon afford to do this?

  • How long will this take?
It seems that the citizens of Croydon will be forced to endure the decay,and squalor, of Dingwall Road for a few more years.

Feel free to post your views on The Forum.

The full press release from the Council can be viewed here Croydon Council press release.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

East London Line

It seems that the East London line may be coming to town.

Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, has announced that phase 1 of the East London Line Project will go ahead; as an agreement has been reached about funding with the government.

Phase 1 will provide extended services between Dalston Junction, in the north, New Cross, Crystal Palace and West Croydon. Maybe this will provide some impetus to regenerate the squalid and decaying North End of Croydon.

However, there is a catch, the theory is that this might be up and running by 2010; so don't hold your breath!

To view the official East London Line site visit East Londlon Line.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

A Pile of Rubble

I am pleased to say that there may be some improvement to one of the sites I have featured on this blog.

The "Pile of Rubble", which resides on the corner of Newgate and St James's road may be redeveloped. To view the original article please click here.

Should you wish to view a slide show of pictures of this particular eyesore, please visit “A Pile of Rubble”.

The above picture were taken in February, the pile of rubble has since grown!

The residents in the locality of the site have received a letter from Green Issues Communications (a consultancy group acting for Phoenix Logistics); inviting them to view an exhibition of a proposed development for the site, which is being put forward by Phoenix Logistics.

The exhibition will be held in the West Croydon Baptist Church, Whitehorse Road, on Friday 16 July between 15:00 and 20:00 and Saturday 17 July between 10:00 and 16:00.

I will try to get along there to have a look.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I am not alone in feeling that Croydon is falling apart.

I received an email the other day from someone with similar feelings. Here is an extract:

"..The whole area needs a thorough clean and 'make-over' it is just creating an air of seediness and hopelessness that attracts the likes of the perpetrators of the football hooligan riots.."

I wonder how it is that there are those in the borough who still hanker after "city status".